Sunday, January 10, 2010

Permanent Laser Hair Removal

You must have heard the latest buzz surrounding permanent hair removal with the help of lasers. Everyone wants to look beautiful and for that the best way is to get rid of all the unwanted hair. This is the reason why more and more people are going for permanent hair removal.

You will be surprised to know that in permanent hair removal process, actual lasers are not used. Instead laser replacements are used which emit the same strong pulses of light. However, they are much safer than a real laser.

According to the medical experts, if you are going for permanent hair removal it is advisable to contact highly trained professionals. Many trained professionals or websites use precision equipment to send light into the hair follicle. This emitted light penetrates the melanin surrounding the follicles. This penetration rapidly increases the temperature of the hair follicle, causing removal and finally complete destruction of the follicle. That’s why; permanent hair removal with laser is so successful in many candidates.

Being a permanent hair remover, it is less painful than some other methods and usually requires around four treatments. Isn’t it a convenient way to get rid of unwanted hair? When this process is done by a properly trained medical professional, permanent hair removal with laser proves to be very effective. However, there are still no guarantees but its true, hundreds of thousands satisfied customers who have undergone this treatment, have thrown away their razors. The biggest advantage of permanent hair removal is that it can be used on all parts of your body, whether it is your hand, leg, buttock, chin, chest, face, and any other body part.

There are a few strict guidelines and parameters followed by a laser specialist for treating certain damaged skin areas. Moreover, if your skin is in good health, then hair covering can be removed easily. If you have a skin problem in a particular area, a doctor can refuse to treat that area. For instance, if you are having acne on your face, doctors may not treat your upper lip or eyebrows with the fear of making the acne condition worse. This is a precaution taken by most doctors. Also if you have dry and flaky skin, you will likely be passed over for permanent hair removal with the fear of exacerbating the condition.

after laser hair removal

When you have made the decision to rid yourself of unwanted hairs there are two choices to consider electrolysis and laser. As with electrolysis, cases of scarring have been reported, but these are extremely rare. Compared with electrolysis, laser hair removal is more precise and much faster. Electrolysis is intended to be a permanent hair procedure, but much like laser hair removal, it is not guaranteed to be 100% effective. Prior to laser technology, the only options for removing unwanted hair were smelly hair removal creams, sharp razors, stinging wax or painful electrolysis needles. In fact, laser technology is already eliminating the need for these traditional methods.

Almost anybody who has undesirable hair is a candidate for laser hair removal. Both men and women have found laser technology beneficial for hair removal. A common area where laser hair removal is used is the face, chin, and upper lip on women. Another area to receive laser hair removal for women is the legs.

For laser hair removal to work, the light energy is selectively absorbed by highly pigmented hair fibers and hair follicles. So, less laser energy is required to remove upper lip hair than for pubic hair. Several wavelengths of laser energy have been used for hair removal, from visible light to near infrared radiation. In facial hair removal, a low energy laser beam is directed towards a group of hair follicles.

Current laser hair removal techniques use wavelengths of light that target melanin, the pigment that determines color of both hair and skin. The level of pain depends on the patient and the person's skin and hair type. The presence of a suntan makes hair removal less effective and increases the likelihood of scarring or skin injury. As such, skin color must be taken into consideration. The risks can include skin discoloration, swelling, and infection. Generally, patients with dark hairs and fair skin respond best to laser hair removal.

While laser hair removal is an excellent treatment option, research efforts continue to enhance the procedure. The diode laser has a longer wavelength than other lasers used for hair removal, which may improve treatment results on darker skin types. The most common side effects are edema and erythema, which generally resolve within 24 hours after treatment.

Though it is relatively painless, you may experience a bit of discomfort from the procedure. While it is a minimally invasive procedure, the procedure is not totally free from risks. Fortunately, the complications are rare if an experienced and skilled physician does it. When done properly, the procedure can be performed quickly and comfortably during an outpatient visit.

Body hair laser removal

Laser body hair removal works better than most of the other methods out there mainly because it is not only painless but lasts far longer than others.

This is because it works by removing the hair from the very follicle, thereby prolonging the time it will take to grow back up again.

While laser body hair removal method is one of the best ways of removing unwanted body hair, it is important for you to know some facts before going ahead with it.

This fact is the high cost of laser body hair removal.

It is not at all cheap to do laser body hair removal. The cost is what usually scares people off, despite the benefits. Many people don't have the kind of money required for laser hair removal.

For example, for you to remove facial hair, you will undergo series of treatments. In some places, these series of treatments could cost upwards to $1,000. There are even other types of laser body hair removal that costs as much as $2,500 dollars or more.

Many people find it very hard to cough out this amount of money for laser body hair removal, despite the advantages it has over other methods of hair removal.

So, if you are considering laser body hair removal, it is important for you to make sure you have the money to pay for it before contemplating it. You could also look around for the cost effective place to undergo your laser body hair removal.

To make you feel better when paying the huge amount of money for laser body hair removal, you should know that it can last up to six to twelve months before you need another one. So, if you add up the cost you usually spend to remove your hair every week or month, it could be as much as the single laser hair treatment that will last you for many months and even up to a year.

Laser hair removal leg

Leg laser hair removal is a popular and effective option for removing hair on the legs. As the legs have a relatively large surface area, laser hair removal on the legs may take up to an hour.

A patient seeking lasting hair removal may need 3 to 5 treatment sessions. The price per session can very widely depending on the patient’s hair thickness, density, and surface area. The area of the country you live in also may affect the price you pay. Average per session cost for leg laser hair removal is generally between $200 to $400. Touch-up treatments is needed annually or biannually to maintain results.

Hollywood Bikini Wax

The Hollywood Wax also known as Full Brazilian Style. This type of wax involves the removal of all pubic hair, front, middle and back so you are completely bald. Some women and their partners believe that a hairless or nearly hairless pubic area looks and feels more erotic.

Best bikini waxing

Brazilian Bikini Wax also known as Playboy Style. All the hairs are removed from the bikini line from the front till the back. Some people do choose to leave a triangle in the front or even a small strip.

This is predominantly the most popular form of bikini waxing that is done within this country by woman of all ages. The Brazilian wax is among the most preferred bikini styles as it looks sexy and is easy to groom. Recent pulls has shown that the Brazilian style is the most preferred by the men.

Advantage for laser facial

The advantages of laser facial hair removal for female
Unwanted facial hair can be a huge source of embarrassment for women -- but it doesn’t have to be. Removing facial hair with lasers is a fast, easy and more comfortable alternative to other methods such as waxing or electrolysis. The procedure can take as little as 10 minutes per treatment and you don’t need to grow out the hair for it to be effective.

The advantages of laser facial hair removal for male
Men who dislike shaving can also benefit from laser facial hair removal. In addition to eliminating the need to shave every day, laser hair treatments can also be used to give men a tidier appearance by reducing the amount of hair in areas such as their eyebrows. (It should be noted that special care must be taken when using lasers around the eyes.)

Laser hair removal also will prevent irritation and the development of folliculitis, in which one or more hair follicles become inflamed.

Laser hair removal is quick, easy and less painful than other treatment options. Several sessions will be necessary, but you’ll find the treatment long-lasting. As they age, some patients may decide to use laser to treat new facial hair as it develops.

Because laser hair removal of the upper lip, chin, and eyebrows involves such a small area, prices are often more reasonable than for other, larger, areas of the body.

5 Tips males hair removal

Women are not alone when it comes to wanting a good form of hair removal. In fact, hair removal for men is becoming a big business. Men today want hair removal solutions that are also skin friendly. The following information will give men some options for hair removal that will leave them with that just shaven look all the time.

  1. Thankfully, the hair removal industry is beginning to take notice to the requests that they have been receiving from men.

    A popular depilatory company has formulated a cream that works well on men's course hairs. Traditional creams, made for women, were formulated to remove fine hairs, and were not a good match for men's needs. This method usually will need to be redone about every two or three weeks.

  1. Waxing is also an option, but can be very painful.
    This procedure requires the use of melted wax that is poured on directly on the hair that is to be removed. Then the wax is pulled off, in the opposite direction as the hair growth, pulling the hairs buy the root with it. This is a very effective way for hair removal for men, as it works equally well on fine hair as well as on course the course hairs that are often found on the backs and chests of many men. Waxing generally needs to be done approximately every four to six weeks to keep the body hair free.

  2. If you are ready for the next step then laser hair removal may be up your alley.
    Currently, this method is the most popular of hair removal. Laser hair removal is application of laser or Ipl light for hair removal. The work principle of laser hair removal is Selective Photothermolysis. The laser emits a pulse, which travels through the skin and is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair, the light skin around it reflects the light.

    The laser then heats up the hair's shaft and root, destroying it without affecting the skin or follicle. Then the hair is prevented to regrow any further. However laser hair removal is not hair removed forever. The hairs will regrowth after treatment but no one knows for sure what the regrowth rates are. The average experience is 70%-80% reduction in hair growth if you do a full 4-6 course treatment.

  3. If you are considering any of these forms of hair removal for men, it might be a wise idea to consult a beauty salon. While this idea may not sit well with some men, these are the people who will have the answers you need, after all, they have been taking care of women's unwanted hair issues for years.

laser hair removal treatment

The desire for permanent hair removal in both men and women has created a worldwide craze - Laser Hair Removal. People are queuing up at clinics around the world hoping for the miracle cure to rid themselves permanently of hair in undesirable places. But for permanent hair reduction, the bare reality is that it is very rare that just one session of laser treatment will give the desired result. And here’s why:

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent ?

Some say YES, some say NO. Studies show that the best-known method of achieving permanent hair removal is Laser Hair Removal, and if the procedure is performed correctly (using the right equipment), permanency is definitely possible. That's because laser hair removal actually kills the hair follicle, which impairs it's ability to grow. But you need to get the hair at the right stage in the growth cycle to ensure permanent hair removal, which means that you will need to undergo a number of treatments.

You see, hair grows in 3 stages, and Laser treatment in the first growth stage (Anagen stage) is the best for permanent reduction. Laser treatment in the other 2 stages (Categen and Telogen) can be less effective, because in these stages new hairs are being formed which may not be target-able by the Laser. So for permanency you will need to undergo a number of laser treatments over time to kill all the hair follicles in that region.

Which Growth Stage is Best for Permanent Hair Removal ?

Everyone's hair grows differently, depending on their age, weight, metabolism, hormonal interactions, genetics, medications and environmental influences. Irrespective of this, hair grows in a cycle which has 3 distinct stages, and the ability of the Laser to target and destroy the hair follicle actually depends on the stage of the hair in the growth cycle. That is because the Lasers used in hair removal actually target the pigment in the hair to “zero in” on the hair follicle. In the initial growth stage of hair, there is more pigment in the hair, thus the Laser is more effective.

Following is an overview of the 3 different hair growth cycle stages, and how effective laser treatment is in each of these stages:

The ACTIVE or ANAGEN growth phase (lasts 2-6 years), comprises approximately 85 % of our body hair at any given moment in time. During this ANAGEN phase, the hair shaft and follicle has an abundance of pigment and is most sensitive to the laser light. So in this stage, permanent hair removal is very likely. The Laser will destroy the hair follicle and no new hair will grow.

The REGRESSIVE or CATAGEN phase (lasts 1-2 weeks) is the period during which the hair stops actively growing but is not shed. This phase often lasts several weeks comprising about 3 - 4% of our total body hair at any given time. In the early part of this stage, you can expect the same results as in the ANAGEN stage. But later in this stage, a new hair might already be forming, and because it will have no pigment yet, it won’t be destroyed.

The RESTING or TELOGEN phase lasts 5 - 6 weeks, at the end of which the hair falls out and a new hair begins to form. Approximately 10-13% of our body hair is in this phase at any one time. Again, the new hair will not have any pigment and the laser will not be able to target it. This new hair will shortly enter the ANAGEN stage, and if it is exposed to a Laser treatment when it has entered the ANAGEN stage, then permanency can be expected.

In summary, each hair on your body will naturally be at a different part of the growth cycle, and that is why it will be necessary in most cases to undergo a number of Laser hair Removal treatments at varying intervals to completely destroy all hair follicles in the region you are targeting. You might be lucky and destroy more than 85% of the hair follicles in the target region with just one treatment, but the statistics point towards needing at least 2 treatments (possibly 3 or more) to totally destroy all hair follicles in any part of the body.

How to Grow Long Hair Faster

There are many ways that you can increase the speed of hair growth on your head. Through methods such as topical treatments as well as vitamin and nutrient supplements the hair can be encouraged to grow longer, as well as thicker.

Here are some of the common ways that to grow long hair faster:

Increasing the amount of vitamin E and folic acid within the diet, or using supplements can encourage hair growth and increase the length of the hair. These vitamins when incorporated into the body can absorb into the cells that increase hair growth, but also have the ability to increase the appearance of the skin.

Use shampoo that contains ingredients which are known to promote hair growth. These shampoos are available through salons, as well as some beauty supply stores. Topical ingredients are applied to the hair through the use of the shampoo, which is often left on the hair for longer amounts of time than traditional shampoo to increase the effectiveness.

Drinking water can be an effective way to remove the toxins from the body, create good health and stimulate hair growth. Maintaining a healthy body is the best way to ensure that long hair can be grown faster.

Hair Laser Removal At Home

I have been researching hair laser removal at home systems since the day I found out about them, September 2009.I've searched the beauty forums, read the consumers reviews, and found out what the aestheticians are thinking about it.During my research I have also found out that many people had the same questions as I did. They mainly wanted to know few things.

Back hair laser removal

Are you a victim of back hair? Does your wife or girlfriend cringe when you take off your shirt? There may be help for you with laser back hair removal.

Laser hair removal is a trend that is sweeping the country. With improvements in laser technology, these procedures are safer and less expensive than ever, and the results are longlasting. Most treatments use a very low level laser that is targets the affected area. The energy of the laser enters the pigment in the hair and causes the shaft to heat up, killing the hair. The follicle is also rendered ineffective, stunting new hair growth. Although the hair follicle deactivated, the surrounding skin is unharmed by the procedure.

Of course, this treatment has many applications for men and women, but one of the most popular is back hair laser removal. Previously, men had to undergo painful waxing, smelly dilapitory chemicals or shaving their backs to eliminate the hair that so many women find distasteful.

Of course, the type and amount of hair will determine how much your procedure costs. Darker or olive skinned patients will require more treatments than natural blondes, and hair thickness and density varies widely. Different lasers are even used to treat different skin color groups, so be sure to ask if your treatment center can handle your needs. Prices typically start at about $200-225, but back hair laser removal can run much higher, due to the larger area being treated. You should also expect to return for several treatments, as hair is removed in certain parts of the growth cycle only.

Although it may seem initially expensive, back hair removal using laser treatments is actually cost effective in the long run. Typically the hair does not regrow, and most centers offer touch ups for the few that do, as part of the package. If your back hair is an embarrassing problem, invest in yourself and try hair laser removal for your back!